4.3. Dashboard
4.3.1. Dashboard
Dashboard > Overview provides you with some statistics about the session distribution (usage) as well as the number of Access Policies, the Gateway Users, Target Users and Targets:

4.3.2. License Information
See Dashboard > License for details about your license and an overview of the Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) that is used by suSSHi:

4.3.3. Pending Changes
Almost every modification, such as creating a Gateway User or changing an Access Rule, results in a pending change. An overview of all pending but not yet activated changes can be found under Dashboard > Pending Changes.
Pending changes are not applied to the suSSHi Gateway(s) yet and must first be activated.

To apply the pending changes, click Activate
in the uppermost dialog box and then Confirm
in the following dialog.

4.3.4. Changes History
Under Dashboard > Changes History, you will find a drop-down menu with previously activated changes grouped by
change id, date, time and the name
of the user who activated the change.
In order to view the individual modifications in detail, select one of the change summaries.

4.3.5. API Manual
The documentation of the suSSHi Chef config API, which is shipped with suSSHi Chef, is accessible via Dashboard > API Manual.